Philip wilkins/getty images a perfect recipe for a cold fall or winter night, this hearty. Here are the best and most popular crock pot recipes, including...
Garlic, butter and white wine shrimp - this recipe is one of the best shrimp recipes out there. This shrimp dish is rich, creamy, super flavorful and easy...
Low in calories and saturated fat, tofu is a very healthful protein source. Here, baked cubes are combined with crunchy cabbage, red pepper, and green...
Turkey slices, cranberry sauce, and grated cheddar cheese are combined to make this incredibly delicious sandwich. This grilled cheese is the ULTIMATE...
Don't forget the vegetarians on your next picnic. This sandwich piles high crunchy cucumber, carrot, and radish and pairs them with creamy goat cheese,...
This pita pizza recipe is the easiest and coolest way to make pizza. All you need is pita bread, tomato sauce, cheese and come topping. The result will...
Traditionally, this Spanish side dish, patatas bravas, consists of fried potatoes sauteed in a spicy tomato sauce. Here, the sauce is served on the side...
Parsley-and-mint-pureed yogurt offers a creamy counterpoint to roasted carrots. To make a light side that's packed with flavor, finish with a crumble of...
Ted Turner shared this better-than-beef burger recipe with Martha. Bison meat tastes similar to beef, but is leaner. Cook them up and give them a generous...
This traditional Vietnamese dipping sauce is spiked with a swirl of piquant chile sauce. If you can't find sugarcane syrup, substitute one teaspoon brown...
This simple recipe for delicious tomato soup is part of the Kirkland Signature Martha Stewart product line, available at Costco. It makes for a delicious...
Roasting intensifies the flavors and colors of this composed salad, made with fingerling potatoes, delicata squash, baby beets, brussels sprouts, carrots,...
Learn how to make the best vegan beetroot burgers. Healthy, nutritious and delicious burger that you must try even if you not vegan. This recipe is the...